Brands Turn Red for Marriage Equality

Brands Turn Red for Marriage Equality

The internet is awash in red equals signs this week as the United States' Supreme Court hears two cases on same-sex marriage, and many brands have released variations on the image to show their support for marriage equality. The symbol is a riff on the Human Rights Campaign's logo, and brands from Budweiser to Martha Stewart Living are promoting it via their websites and social media accounts.

This campaign is a great example of how brands can join the conversation around causes they care about to help raise awareness, promote their brand values, and create a connection with an audience who shares their position. Companies that want to get involved with a cause near to their heart can do so over social media and on their website, consider taking out ads, or partner with local organizations. However, brands should take care to be sincere in their support and not adopt causes simply to try and gain publicity, or they risk alienating the audience they are trying to reach out to.

Check out some brands that have gone red this week from Mashable and ABC News.


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