Marketing to Chinese Audiences

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Marketing to Chinese Audiences

Marketing to a Chinese audience can be challenging if you aren’t fluent with the language, culture, or trends in Chinese digital marketing. To help you connect effectively with Chinese businesses and consumers, we offer the following services:

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How we can help


Chinese advertisement icon

Design and create customized display advertisements in simplified or traditional Chinese characters based on your brand messaging, products, or services.

Translate your English advertisements to Chinese.

Provide feedback on how to improve the results of your current Chinese ads.

Chinese social media icon
Chinese Social Media

Create and manage campaigns for popular Chinese social media networks such as Weibo and Renren by customizing graphics, engaging with online users, and writing social media content.

Chinese website cotens icon
Chinese Website

Write content in simplified or traditional characters for your product, service, or landing pages of advertising campaigns.

chinese adwords
Chinese AdWords

Customize AdWords campaigns and audiences using built-in AdWords features. Develop an online advertising strategy to focus your budget on ROI and gaining qualified prospects.

chinese mobile ads icon
Chinese Mobile

Connect your brand with the huge segment of Chinese consumers with smartphones and tablets by optimizing mobile advertising for popular Chinese mobile social networks such as WeChat.

Chinese market research icon
Chinese Market

Consumer behavior and technological advancements in the Chinese market change frequently. Our digital marketing experts research and provide insights so you can take advantage of the latest trends.

Chinese FB icon
Chinese Facebook

Target Facebook advertising programs for Chinese consumers by leveraging built-in Facebook advertising features and developing graphics and social media content in simplified or traditional Chinese.

Chinese location baase icon
Chinese Location-Based

Target location-specific or geo-based audiences, including prospects near your establishment.

Chinesee newsletter icon
Chinese Newsletter

Create content for newsletters in simplified or traditional Chinese to support sales promotions, events, product launches, or news features.

Need Help?

If you have any questions about how we can help you target a Chinese audience using digital marketing, please to talk one of our digital marketing experts. We’re happy to give you a free consultation.

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#113-3855 Henning Drive
BC V5C 6N3 Canada


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in North America: 1-888-407-6937
Tel: 604.473.9700
Fax: 604.473.9080


# Social media

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