Google Glass launch promises endless marketing possibilities

Google Glass launch promises endless marketing possibilities

Everyone's excited about Google Glass this morning, as the search giant announced that its smartphone-like headset will come to market by the end of the year, and for under $1,500. The latest product demo video reveals a myriad of extraordinary functions, all accessed by the voice command "OK Glass." This device promises a remarkable augmented-reality experience for wearers, and of course marketers have already begun to think about how to capitalize on the technology.

As with other mobile marketing tactics, the key will be to integrate promotional content seamlessly into the user journey. Brands have the opportunity to provide apps their customers can access while using their products, serve relevant ads in response to user queries, or offer in-store product or sale information as customers shop. The integration of video, audio, graphics, and text into a real-time hands free experience creates endless possibilities for marketers to appeal to Glass wearers. The key will be to offer branded content at the right time and right place, improving the customer experience instead of interfering with it.

Read more about Google's Glass announcement from TechCrunch, and FastCompany.


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