New Frontier for Facebook Mobile Ads

New Frontier for Facebook Mobile Ads

At the Cannes Lion festival in June, Facebook announced that the company is developing a new option for its mobile advertising platform. Currently, a Facebook ad comprises of text with an image or video, and may also include a call-to-action button such as Shop Now, Learn More, Sign Up, Book Now, or Download. The new feature will allow brands to create a richer user experience as well as encourage interaction by allowing the user to change the visual presentation of the ads.

As part of the announcement, Facebook aired a video interpretation of what these ads could look like, and the end result is a fluid and visually appealing interface that invites the user to interact with the ad.

Imagine a mashup of all Facebook’s current ad products rolled into one: A post that opens into full screen images, videos and even product shots that rotate 360 degrees as you move your finger across the screen.
– Kurt Wagner, Re/code

Because the ads are shown within the Facebook app, Facebook effectively keeps the user from leaving the platform. All three parties – Facebook, the advertiser, and the user – will benefit from this format: Facebook can show more ads to the user, the advertiser now has the flexibility to display enhanced content to attract users, and the user experience does not need to be interrupted which is what normally happens when the user clicks away from the app. Given that 73% of Facebook’s first quarter revenue in 2015 was from mobile ads, Facebook is no doubt focusing on ways to boost this earning potential.  

Although Facebook has not yet announced a launch date for this product, marketers should start thinking about how they can take advantage of the opportunities that this new option has to offer. By showcasing a product in a new perspective, brands can help increase buyer interest and overall conversion rate.

If you have any questions about executing Facebook or social media campaigns, please contact us to book a complimentary meeting with one of our consultants.

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