Study finds marketers not measuring results

Study finds marketers not measuring results

Only 37% of marketers routinely gain insight from analytics data, according to the MarketingSherpa Marketing Analytics Benchmark Report that was reviewed by MediaPost. 46% occasionally make use of data, and 17% rarely or never do. Excuses for not making effective use of analytics information include lack of time, budget, understanding, and the necessary tools. 53% of the study's participants plan to increase their budget for analytics platforms this year, but only 66% intend to work towards acting on data in the future.

At Smartt, we believe that only that which gets measured gets managed, and marketing should be effectively managed just like any other business activity. These days every element of a campaign can be tracked, so marketers should monitor their performance metrics and act on the insights gained from that data. Marketers who do not track the effectiveness of their campaigns need to adjust their mindset and provide measureable results, or they will find themselves losing business to marketers who can prove their worth.

Read more about the report at


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